Saturday, May 29, 2010

towards good

in my thirty three years of life i have never felt so confused, lost and chaos.right after my marriage life has taken an altogether different turn. before i get used to one phase another came. i'm in a whirl wind of changing phases which are making me more and more responsible as a wife, mother, teacher, as a social person too. i feel it difficult to manage there many roles. i know i have the capacity with in me. but i feel i'm like lord hanuma who needs others to remind his energies to him. all these days i had someone in the name of sister, mother, dad, and of course brother at my back to push me forward to do something. but now i'm in a position that i've to push two people like that. all through these phases of life i've been just carried away by the people or incidents or some other external forces. i've almost never been myself. now i'm trying to be myself. as a part of that i started stating what i think and what all i think is important. as a part of that now i decided to move towards good. whatever i do i should choose to do good. whatever i decide i should choose good to decide. life should be good. what's good that's up to me to decide.

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