Tuesday, June 1, 2010


this is my son on his first day on this earth. he is the best thing that ever happened in my life. i always feel proud, happy, satisfied of him. he is born on 29th January,2006 on Sunday at 10.32am.he is the child born in our family after 17 years. everyone loved him. every one was at his beck and call. he was taken care like he was a rarity.we've already spent four wonderful years with him. and through these years he has surprised us, made us happy and angry...but we enjoyed all of them.

this is my son going to attend his first school i.e actually play home in Bangalore. he liked his aunt and uncle who were his first school teachers. i really owe them a lot because thy taught him a lot of basic things.he still goes there in summer to attend summer classes.

this is me with my son.

Monday, May 31, 2010

God! the one word i can always rely upon any time in my life. if i'm happy - God is with me.i'm sad, god is with me. i'm lost, god's with me.i'm shattered Gos

Saturday, May 29, 2010

towards good

in my thirty three years of life i have never felt so confused, lost and chaos.right after my marriage life has taken an altogether different turn. before i get used to one phase another came. i'm in a whirl wind of changing phases which are making me more and more responsible as a wife, mother, teacher, as a social person too. i feel it difficult to manage there many roles. i know i have the capacity with in me. but i feel i'm like lord hanuma who needs others to remind his energies to him. all these days i had someone in the name of sister, mother, dad, and of course brother at my back to push me forward to do something. but now i'm in a position that i've to push two people like that. all through these phases of life i've been just carried away by the people or incidents or some other external forces. i've almost never been myself. now i'm trying to be myself. as a part of that i started stating what i think and what all i think is important. as a part of that now i decided to move towards good. whatever i do i should choose to do good. whatever i decide i should choose good to decide. life should be good. what's good that's up to me to decide.

Friday, May 28, 2010

what do i want

This is is a real difficult question. because that keeps on changing. now i want to be thin as i were when i was 26. i want to spare meaningful time with my son and play with him. i want to be an online English teacher. most important of all i want to satisfy my bujjulu in every way i can. today i talked to my brother on phone. after so many the talk was meaningful. i told him to slow down the pace of life to think. we give no time to think. we are just carried away in the flow of life. that flow of life is not natural. it is not life wards at all. so i asked him to change life natural, life wards. but before that i have to implement that in my life. cause my life too is the same like his'. even i need to think in those lines i told to think. that's why i started writing this. at least the time i spend in writing this my mind will be concentrating on this thing alone. the title is something i saw in an Hollywood movie called 'the women'. that was a nice movie. I've learned from that film few things. one is if i have a problem i go to bed hoping for a solution and I'll get by the time i get up as a character more convincingly, movingly, heart-touchingly says. next thing is that i have to prioritize the things i want. there is also something to be learnt about relationships. it is really touching and nice movie. that's all for today. even now I'm being disturbed. so let me stop. bye.

Saturday, July 26, 2008

to start with

hi its me.You may encounter a person like me any where on the globe.But the speciality that lies in my character is that while you identify yourself with me you can also see that such experiences are unique in themselves,atleast I have such a feeling.I feel every thing about me very special.But when I come to know that it can be the experience of any other person I may encounter in my life it will be very late. Only then will I realize that how immature I'm to think that way.This is a life long process.I keep learning a new thing every day but still there is somuch to learn.It never seems to end.
Right now I must be contended person with a gazzeted job ,married to a person who loves me a lot and with a child that enriches our happiness.But if one is satisfied with one's life so easily life wouldn't seem to move forward.