Saturday, July 26, 2008

to start with

hi its me.You may encounter a person like me any where on the globe.But the speciality that lies in my character is that while you identify yourself with me you can also see that such experiences are unique in themselves,atleast I have such a feeling.I feel every thing about me very special.But when I come to know that it can be the experience of any other person I may encounter in my life it will be very late. Only then will I realize that how immature I'm to think that way.This is a life long process.I keep learning a new thing every day but still there is somuch to learn.It never seems to end.
Right now I must be contended person with a gazzeted job ,married to a person who loves me a lot and with a child that enriches our happiness.But if one is satisfied with one's life so easily life wouldn't seem to move forward.